For most Baby Boomers this is an overwhelming and confusing time. Some typical questions are:
- When should I purchase a Medicare Supplement Plan?
You become eligible for Medicare when you Turn 65, as long as you (or your spouse) have worked at least 10 years and paid into the system via your wages.
- Which plan should I purchase?
Let us take you by the hand and help you with this decision.
- I plan on working past age 65. What do I do?
That depends. What are you paying for your health insurance premiums through your job? What are your deductibles, copays, co-insurance through your plan? In many cases you may stay on your group health insurance, and in some cases it may beneficial for you to enroll in Medicare and a Medicare Supplement Plan. It also depends on your employer. Remember, each situation is different. Let us take you by the hand and assist you. We offer FREE, unbiased information and advice.
- Will I be enrolled in Medicare automatically?
Again, that depends. Depends on your particular situation. Call us, we will help you.